CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (May 2001) – today announced that its President, Peter D. Bethke, will be among the 5 featured speakers at Lasso Summit 2001, to be held August 10-11, 2001 at Disney’s Boardwalk Inn near Orlando, Florida.

Peter D. Bethke, President of and Spring Hollow Publishing, Inc., is the developer of the popular local website, Bethke’s talk, entitled “Structural Approaches to LDML”, will be focused on a collection of specific techniques for building flexible and dynamic web sites like These methods and techniques, which he has coined as the Corral Methodology?, are now gaining broad acceptance among lasso developers. They are serving as the basis for a strong “grass roots” movement to establish a de facto standard for Lasso-based site construction.

“It is a tremendous honor to be chosen to speak at the first gathering of this kind,” said Bethke. “This is just another indication of the kind of momentum that Blueworld is gaining in the database middleware market.” Every day, more and more developers are discovering how easy it is to get involved with Lasso and move their applications quickly and affordably to the web. Properly structuring a site, particularly a large one like, is a key element in success. This is where the Corral Methodology? has begun to really help developers organize their code.

“ is the first site that I’ve developed here locally that was designed using the Corral Methodology,?” says Bethke. “The ease in which we maintain the site as well as add new features is a true testament to the Corral Methodology? as a powerful and cost effective method for website development.”

LassoSummit 2001 is the premier event for Lasso developers and Lasso hosting providers. The Lasso 5 product line, from Blue World Communications, offers ground-breaking next-generation Web application server technology designed to meet the high-end needs of advanced Web developers along with the ease-of-use and productivity needs of professional Web designers.

The roots of the Corral Methodology? movement started with a white paper published by Mr. Bethke in March 2001, and grew out of his extensive experience in creating Lasso-driven web sites. Although he was the first developer to put the methods down in a formalized structure, and coined the term Corral Methodology?, Mr. Bethke was pleased to find that many fellow developers already used many of the techniques for their own creations. “I’m continually amazed at the number of Lasso developers using similar techniques to do all sorts of amazing things”, Bethke continued. “It just seemed logical to put our efforts together for the benefit of everyone, and to help newer developers ramp up to speed by offering a method that has proven its worth over and over again”.

“The notion of Lasso Summit was a natural response to the repeated requests for additional training and knowledge of the Lasso product line.”, says Jim Van Heule, former Product Manager for Lasso and one of the primary organizers of the Summit. “Our speakers are the best in the industry and dedicated to making Lasso the preferred method of bringing database information to the Internet.”

All inquiries can be sent to:

Peter D Bethke President

About is an internet development company that specializes in creating web solutions with Lasso ™, a powerful web programming languge from Blue World Communications, Inc. With over ten years of experience in Internet, Multimedia, and video technology, creates smart, customized and cost-efficient solutions for its customers.

About LassoSummit 2001

Information about LassoSummit 2001 can be reached at the official web site,

About Blue World

Blue World Communications delivers cross-platform software tools allowing Web developers and designers to quickly build and serve powerful data-driven Web sites. Blue World provides Lasso Web Data Engine, Lasso Studio, Lasso Lite, Blue World Store and Blue World ListSearch service in fulfillment of its mission to bring business to the Internet(tm).

The Corral Methodology ™ is a trademark of Spring Hollow Publishing, Inc. and