Robin Bethke

Lorem ipsum..

Jen Bryerton

Lorem ipsum..

Our Story

It all began over 20 years ago when our popular, interactive website was developed by Robin Johnson-Bethke and her husband, Peter, who serves as our Technical Director. Robin and Peter met in Los Angeles where they were both working in media and doing creative projects for prestigious companies, such as Walt Disney. They relocated to Charlottesville to be near Robin’s extended family in the Shenandoah Valley and to start their own family. As they awaited the birth of their son, they realized there was no easy way to find out about all the wonderful resources for families with children… and out of this need arose

Robin and I, Jennifer Bryerton, met shortly after the website launched. I was a new mom and new to town, having relocated for my husband’s job. I was looking for a flexible career path to become engaged in the community. As a teacher and business owner, I was familiar with the local parenting publication in my previous hometown and eager to see Charlottesville enjoy such a resource, too. Robin had plans of expansion, and when the two of us got together, everything clicked. We started out on a long lunch at The Tavern, and to this day, many ideas continue to be generated over the midday meal!

Along with the addition of myself as Co-Publisher in 2000, we debuted our companion print publications, CharlottesvilleFamily Living Magazine (now CharlottesvilleFamily Life + Home) and the CharlottesvilleFamily Directory (now the CharlottesvilleFamily Ultimate Go-To Guide). Over the years, we have added many new publications, and we’re still loving every minute of our work! We truly enjoy coming up with great ideas for readers and our advertising partners, as well as ways to serve our Virginia community, which we are so proud to call home. Our newest projects are Wine & Country Weddings, an annual publication with its first issue in the spring of 2015, and Wine & Country Life, a semi-annual luxury magazine with its first issue in the Fall of 2015. In continuation with our newest projects, we opened our beautiful lifestyle boutique—Charlottesville Wine & Country Shop—in October 2018 in Ivy, VA, and it features work from over 40 Virginia artisans with items like tailgating essentials, Dubarry attire, locally-made artisan foods, wine and more.

While Robin and I did it all “back in the day”—from unloading boxes of magazines to editing every story and doing the design, photography and bookkeeping from start to finish—our company has grown along with the publications to include many talented professionals that make publishing even more fun and exciting. Robin now serves the company as Creative Director, supervising the look and feel of everything we publish, while I, Jen, handle the content—be it editorial or advertising. We credit our success to our exceptional commitment to quality and to the talents of our staff who are uncommonly gracious, curious, smart and passionate about what they do.

We hope you enjoy the read!

Our Team

Donna Brown
Finance Manager

Jennifer Carroll Martin
Weddings Editor

Mai Lionni Guss
Associate Editor

Ellen Sewell
Associate Editor

Sarah Short
Senior Editor

Jenny Stoltz
Marketing Consultant

Barbara Tompkins
Graphic Designer

Lisa Wayand
Graphic Designer

Our Professional Affiliations

At Ivy Life & Style Media, a SWAM-certified (Small, Women & Minority Owned-business) and Virginia Green business, we’re inspired by the belief that by utilizing technology, working efficiently and attending to quality, we create publications that honor the reader and build a real connection with our local businesses. This belief has led to prosperous and long-standing relationships with our clients, who entrust us with their advertising and have enjoyed great success utilizing our niche publications to effectively reach their target markets since 1998.

As members of the Blue Ridge Home Builders Association, Virginia Vineyards Association, American Marketing Association, FastCompany and the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce, we are proud to sponsor community organizations and events such as the Paramount Theater, Virginia Discovery Museum and Virginia’s Historic Garden Week.